MemefinityFANDOM Wiki

Purple Shep[]

Purple Shep is the main Antagonist of both Memefinity Parts. Purple Shep is a satire of Thanos from Avengers: Infinity War. Purple Shep is just a purple sheep but with the Memefinity Gauntlet he has a large spectrum of abilities and powers. He Recently redeemed himself and started dating Emily


This section displays all the powers Purple Shep has with the memefinity Gauntlet. (and witch memefinity Stone allows him to use said power)

  • Teleportation (Blue Memefinity Stone)
  • Magic Explosions (Yellow Memefinity Stone)
  • Mind Control (Yellow Memefinity Stone)
  • Time slowing/speeding (Green Memefinity Stone)
  • Reality Altering (Red Memefinity Stone)
  • Snap Dust (Orange Memefinity Stone)
  • Universe Creation (Purple Memefinity Stone)

With These powers, Purple Shep uses The Memefinity Gauntlet and snaps hatf the universe out of exsistence. Purple Shep is friends with a bunch of other Memefinity antagonists, except for Evan Potter who he hates with his gut
